Title: The Messenger
Media: etching, chine colle
Year: 2016
Dimensions: 15 ¼” x 14”
Price: $300
Title: Trees in the Forest
Media: etching, chine colle, woodcut
Year: 2011
Dimensions: 16” x 21”
Price: $350
Title: The Owl
Media: etching, chine colle, gouache
Year: 2015
Dimensions: 14 ½” x 14”
Price: $250
Title: The Mushroom
Media: etching, chine colle, gouache
Year: 2014
Dimensions: 12” x 15 ½”
Price: $250
Title: The Jungle
Media: etching, chine colle
Year: 2016
Dimensions: 21 ¾” x 17”
Price: $350
Title: Flowers in My Garden
Media: etching, chine colle
Year: 2010
Dimensions: 14” x 16 ½”
Price: $325
Title: The Silent Forest
Media: etching, chine colle
Year: 2014
Dimensions: 13 ½” x 15 ½”
Price: $300
Title: The Autumntree
Media: etching, chine colle
Year: 2014
Dimensions: 16 ¾” x 14 ½”
Price: $325
Title: The Summer
Media: etching, chine colle, gouache
Year: 2010
Dimensions: 14” x 12”
Price: $250
Title: The Winterforest
Media: etching, chine colle
Year: 2008
Dimensions: 21 ½” x 22
Price: $450
Title: Forestflowers
Media: etching, chine colle
Year: 2011
Dimensions: 14 ½” x 14”
Price: $300
Title: To the North
Media: etching, chine colle, gouache
Year: 2011
Dimensions: 16” x 18”
Price: $300
Title: Same Family
Media: etching, chine colle
Year: 2016
Dimensions: 13 ½” x 19 ¾”
Price: $350
Title: The Meadow
Media: etching, chine colle
Year: 2016
Dimensions: 15” x 18”
Price: $350
Title: The Guardian
Media: etching, chine colle
Year: 2014
Dimensions: 20 ½” x 16 ¾”
Price: $350
Title: The Summernight
Media: etching, chine colle, woodcut, gouache
Year: 2015
Dimensions: 13 ½” x 17”
Price: $300
Title: The Birthday Party
Media: etching, chine colle, watercolor
Year: 2010
Dimensions: 17 ¼” x 16 ¾”
Price: $350
Title: A Chapter from the Book of the Life
Media: etching, chine colle
Year: 2015
Dimensions: 18 ½” x 18 ½”
Price: $450
Title: Dizziness
Media: etching, chine colle
Year: 2015
Dimensions: 15” x 14”
Price: $300
Title: From Italy
Media: etching, chine colle
Year: 2016
Dimensions: 17” x 14 ¼”
Price: $300
Title: First Flowers
Media: etching, chine colle
Year: 2014
Dimensions: 14 ¼” x 18 ¼”
Price: $350
Title: The Old Tree
Media: etching, chine colle, watercolor
Year: 2014
Dimensions: 13 ½” x 12”
Price: $200